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Plastic Free Periods

Updated: Feb 18

A girl holding a resusable menstrual cup

Did you know that menstrual products are the 5th most common form of plastic waste found on Europe's beaches? The Environmenstrual Campaign was created by the Women's Environmental Network (WEN), to create a conversation with EVERYBODY about environmentally friendly reusable and plastic free products, breaking the taboo surrounding period talk and helping to raise awareness on how to access period products. Pads are popular, but traditionally contain a lot of plastic, and with as many as 10 or more per month being disposed of then what else is there? a menstrual cup? washable 'period pants'? It’s not always easy to start a conversation about menstruation or talk about the products that people use and it may help to read some of the personal stories on the Surfers Against Sewage website.    

To end period poverty a government scheme is currently running until at least 2024,  where schools and colleges in England can now order free period products for their students. This includes environmentally friendly products. WEN identifies that only 41% of schools have to date taken up the scheme. If you are not at school or college, but you are keen to make the switch to environmentally friendly products, discount codes for the products and instructions on how to make a disposable pad can found at WEN. If you are thinking of purchasing a menstrual cup, it's worth knowing that 'Ruby Cup' provide a free menstrual cup and education to women around the globe.

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