Transport makes up in the region of 25% of the UK's emissions. It goes without saying that getting around is an important part of our lives, particularly in a rural area. Small changes to our transport choices can save us money and reduce our impact on the environment. In addition planned changes to our infrastructure will also help make significant headway in our community's bid to reduce carbon emissions.

A groups of supporters holding a banner for the Wotton Greenway

E-bikes at a local demo day.

A row of charging stations for electric cars

A groups of supporters holding a banner for the Wotton Greenway
Local transport groups and projects
Local groups have already formed to pioneer, retain and revive low carbon transport options in and around our local area.

Greenway Group
A traffic-free route connecting Wotton, Charfield and Kingswood
The Wotton, Charfield and Kingswood Greenway Group aims to create a safe, traffic-free walking and cycling route to connect Wotton, Charfield and Kingswood, providing a link to a new Charfield railway station.
The group are currently working with Sustrans (the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle) and Gloucestershire County Council (who are managing the project) on a detailed route design study.
Read their 2024 newsletter for an update, find out more on their Facebook page or contact them directly at wckgreenway@gmail.com.
Support our local bus service
Using our local bus service is a great way to help reduce carbon emissions, support affordable transport options and ensure we can get around without needing access to a car.
Our local bus service (route 84/85 between Wotton-under-Edge and Yate) needs us to regularly use it. To see more about the campaign to keep the route running, please visit the group's Facebook page:
Save the W-u-E to Yate bus service Facebook Group​
The route is currently operated by 'The Big Lemon' bus company and the route, timetable and further details are on their website.

Charfield railway station
Charfield railway station closed to passengers in 1965 and has been the subject of much debate about re-opening. In March 2023 Charfield station planning application was approved. This is great news for local public transport and will boost the business case for the new greenway route to connect Charfield, Wotton and Kingswood. The station re-opening is currently expected in December 2026.
If you're interested, there is a Facebook page dedicated to re-opening a station at Charfield and South Gloucestershire Council also provide information about Charfield Railway Station.
Further ways to reduce your carbon emissions from transport
Things you can do now:
Walk or cycle wherever possible
Car share - https://liftshare.com/uk is a great way to find an organise car shares
Using public transport - https://www.traveline.info/ has a great journey planner
Try out an eBike - cycling UK have an excellent guide and local shops such as eDemo Nailsworth can offer test rides
Walk to school - Living Streets offer great tips and guidance on walking to school
If you're changing your car, consider an electric vehicle

Upcoming Events
- Thu, 27 FebWotton-under-Edge
- Sun, 30 MarWotton-under-Edge
- Tue, 15 AprWotton-under-Edge
- Thu, 19 JunWotton-under-Edge